Best uses of Henna for hair growth.

Best uses of Henna for hair Repair and hair Smoothening Mix henna and mustard oil and apply this pack on hair to make your hair silky and smooth. it also helpful for color hair naturally. Black hair therapy: Boil three teaspoon of black tea in one cup water and pour it in a bowl, let it cool down for some time and then mix henna in it, take a iron bowl and keep this mixture for two days as its , you will see changes in the colour of henna due to the iron bowl. Apply this mixture every week on hair, After washing it will leave your hair naturally black. It reduces hair fall and leads to hair growth. It provides natural conditioning to hair. it repairs split ends and hair will look gorgeous naturally. Dry Hair therapy: Mix Heena with coconut oil and apply on all over the head, keep this mixer dry and wash hair after two hours. it will control dandruff and dry hair which is the main reason of dandruff and rough hair. Oily hair therapy: Mix Heena and yogurt and apply...